I sit here on this spectacular sunny morning, trying to accept the detour the Universe has so gracioulsy put in my path. It was my full intention to move forward ***FULL STEAM AHEAD*** like a chugging strong black iron locomotive, blasting my way into my dream of real estate ownership. Ah, but the Universe, She has other plans for me. "Take a break, Kate. Focus on your health." I am getting some of the message loud and clear, but MY will is knocking at the back of my head like a jackhammer chopping at a thick slab of stubborn concrete. The inside of my brain feels like the WWF is hosting a tag team wrestling match marathon . Oh what to do? As I placed the ? mark at the end of the last sentence the phone rang, and no one was there, perhaps another Universal communique?
It is beginning to sink in, much like the icky ponds of quicksand in those cheesy vintage sci-fi films. "Kate, take a break... no need to go under."
The Universe has spoken.
The Universe has spoken.